Dirty water source Celebrating improved water source
- Agricultural Enterprise Development: – Promotion and support of high yielding varieties of food crops , Livestock and Poultry.
- Food processing, transformation and marketing via cooperatives
- On farm trials and demonstrations
- Promotion and support of high yielding varieties of food crops , Livestock and Poultry.
- Food processing, transformation and marketing via cooperatives
- On farm trials and demonstrations.
- Promotion and support of social services ( potable water, Girl- Child Education, Basic Health Care, Sanitation etc).
- Prevention, treatment and control animal diseases.
- Develop and run income generating Centres (Salvation Farm, Livestock Feed, Training
- Literacy and Vocational Education.
- Environmental Protection (Soil Fertility Improvement, Soil Erosion Control, planting/ protection of trees.
- Organization and economic empowerment of rural women Groups